Crosby Capital Limited

Crosby Capital Limited, formerly Techpacific Capital Limited, together with its subsidiaries, is an independent merchant banking and asset management company, with offices in China, Singapore, Indonesia, the United Kingdom and representation in other parts of Asia. It acts as the holding company of the Group. It operates in three segments: merchant banking, asset management, direct investment and unallocated. Merchant banking is engaged in the provision of corporate finance and other advisory services and the changes in fair value of financial assets and liabilities through profit or loss arising from its merchant banking activities. Asset management is engaged in the provision of venture capital fund management, asset management and wealth management services. Direct investment is engaged in holding of investments in the oil and gas exploration prospects, available-for-sale investments, loans to investee and related companies and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. 

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9월22일 호주 시장보고서: 장기 경제전망 불안

🕔9/22/2008 11:59:06 AM 12814

금요일 전세계 주식시장은 금융당국들이 금융 시스템 안정화를 위한 조치를 취하면서 강한 반등세를 보였다. 주식시장은 지난 금요일 발생한 손실의 대부분을 회복하면서 4.3% 상승하여 마감하였으나 여전히 주간(week) 수치에서는 2%가 하락하였다.

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회사 데이터

    주요 분야
  • 금융 
  • 주요 기업
  • Banks & Insurance 
  • 홈페이지