Dragon Energy Limited (Dragon Energy) is an Australia-based company. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009 (fiscal 2009), the Company acquired rights to explore and mine phosphate in the Georgina Basin in Queensland. The wholly owned subsidiary of the Company is Dragon Energy (China) Limited. During fiscal 2009, the Company focused its activities in capital raising and development of interests in exploration projects in the resource industry in Australia. In fiscal 2009, Shandong Taishan Sunlight Group Company Limited (the Shandong Group) completed 55% acquisition of the Company.
Dragon Energy Ltd
Dragon Energy Limited (ASX:DLE)は西オーストラリアでマンガン及び鉄鉱の発見を発表。Korab Resources Limited (ASX:KOR)は北領土でレアアース酸化鉱物化物質を発見。Icon Resources Limited (ASX:III)は北クィーンズランド州で68,800トンの三酸化タングステンを報告。Guildford Coal Limited (ASX:GUF)はクィーンズランド州でMaryborough硬石炭プロジェクトでの穿孔を開始。
189,253 会社概要の閲覧回数
- 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 39) (過去30日間: 136) (発行以降: 18644)