Natixis SA (EPA:KN) is a France-based company engaged in banking, financial and investment services. The Company's main business lines are: Corporate and Investment Banking, Investment Solutions and Specialized Financial Services. Corporate and Investment Banking is comprised of Commercial Banking, Structured Finance and Capital Markets business lines. The Investment Solutions line combines three asset management for third parties activities, which are asset management, insurance and private banking. The Specialized Financial Services line provides various services, such as leasing, factoring, personal loan management, securities services, among others. The Company offers also support functions: Communication and sustainable development, Finance, Human Resources, Risks, Corporate Secretariat and IT and Shared Services. As of December 31, 2009, the Company was 71.5%-owned by BPCE.
Natixis SA
EPA:KN ISIN:FR0000120685
ラテンアメリカ鉄鋼協会(ILAFA)は、10月24日から26日までの三日間、ブエノスアイレスで2010年ラテンアメリカ鉄鋼会議を開催することになった。会議は毎日朝9時から午後4時までヒルトンホテルで開催され、地中海料理を楽しめるColeccionレストランでの午餐会が予定されている。また、イベント期間、参加者たちがFortabat博物館、ColonシアターやPROA Foundationなどの人気スポットの訪問や、ブエノスアイレスの町見学も予定されている。
88,721 会社概要の閲覧回数
- 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 23) (過去30日間: 66) (発行以降: 23151)