COCA-COLA WEST COMPANY, LIMITED, formerly COCA-COLA WEST HOLDINGS COMPANY, LIMITED, is a Japan-based company engaged in the manufacture and sale of drinks and foods. The Company operates in two business segments. The Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Sales segment is engaged in the sale of drinks and foods, the manufacture of drinks, as well as the freight transportation business and the vending machine related business. The Others segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of copying, information and optical equipment, as well as the insurance agency business, the leasing business, the real estate business and the restaurant business. The Company has 22 subsidiaries and four associated companies.
Coca-Cola West Co., Ltd.
ギリシャ債務に対する1ヶ月で2度目の格下げや Citigroup の資金調達を受けて、昨夜のウォール街株式は大幅下落となった。投資家たちがリスク性の高い資産を削減したことから、米ドルは反発した。他の一連の主要通貨に対する価値を測る米ドル指数は、3ヶ月超の間での最高水準へと上昇した。
53,917 会社概要の閲覧回数
- 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 4) (過去30日間: 45) (発行以降: 10042)