Australian Solomons Gold Limited

Australian Solomons Gold Limited (ASG) is an Australian-based company involved in the exploration and development of a gold deposit at Gold Ridge in the Solomon Islands. The Gold Ridge project is ASG's only project as of September 25, 2008, and is not yet generating revenue. As part of the initial programme of work, the Company carried out a drilling programme covering all four known pits. Following the completion of the metallurgical drilling programme, two exploration holes were drilled to test an area (Charivunga Gorge) between two of the known pits (an area between Valehaichichi and Kupers). During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008, that the Gold Ridge Mine was operating, the total gold production amounted to 210,000 ounces. The Company's subsidiaries include Solomon Islands Gold Limited, JV Mine (Australia) Pty Ltd, Solomon Islands International Pty Ltd, ASG Solomon Islands Ltd and Gold Ridge Mining Limited. 



オーストラリア市場レポート 11月17日:回復への更なる確信

🕔11/17/2009 1:00:00 PM 14050

予想よりも良い内容の日本の経済成長を受けたエネルギー・資源部門が上昇し、昨夜の米国株式は13ヶ月間での最高水準で取引を終えた。また同市場は、連邦準備金制度の Ben Bernanke 議長による金利を低水準で維持するとの発言からも支えられた。米国政府のデータでは小売売上げが10月に市場予測を上回る1.4%増を記録したことが示された。


オーストラリア市場レポート 9月17日:好調なウォール街

🕔9/17/2009 1:00:07 PM 18029



54,357 会社概要の閲覧回数

  • 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 20) (過去30日間: 84) (発行以降: 9095) 
