AMCIL was established in 1996 as a thematic investor focussed particularly on the media and telecommunications sectors in Australia and New Zealand. During 2002 the Board came to the view that structural changes had occurred in the media and telecommunications industries since 1996 which affected the viability and vitality of a specialist investor concentrating only on the themes of media and telecommunications. At that point, the Board recommended to shareholders that the Company's investments be progressively sold and the capital returned to shareholders. One of the key aims of this was to unlock for shareholders the value in the Company's portfolio which was not then being reflected in the Company's share price. Shareholders approved this initiative and the Board proceeded to sell down the portfolio.
As this process was nearing completion in late 2003, the Board developed a new proposal to shareholders to recapitalise the Company. This recapitalisation took place at a point at which all of the Company's previous capital had been repaid to shareholders with the exception of approximately A$2.9 million. The recapitalisation successfully raised A$41 million, with the new shares being allotted in late January 2004.
Amcil Limited
収益報告により活気付いた最近の反発を受けて投資家たちが警戒を始めたため、火曜日のウォール街は動きの激しい取引の中で若干高を記録した。更に、米国連邦準備制度の Ben Bernanke 議長は、下落のペースは大幅に減速したものと見られるが金融システムには圧力がかかっており労働市場では悪化が続いたと語った。
33,002 会社概要の閲覧回数
- 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 16) (過去30日間: 52) (発行以降: 6711)