Shanghai International Airport Co., Ltd.
Shanghai International Airport Co., Ltd. (SIA) is primarily engaged in airport services of Pudong International Airport in Shanghai, China. The Company's principal activities consist of the provision of ground handling services to domestic and foreign airlines and passengers; the management and leasing of aviation operation space, commercial space and offices inside the airports; the operation of domestic trade and advertising business, and other airport related services. During the year ended December 31, 2008, Pudong Airport handled 265,735 flights, and achieved a throughput of approximately 28.2 million passengers and approximately 2.6 million metric tons of cargoes and mails.

ウォール街における下落に続いて、火曜日のアジア株式は全体的に下落した。しかし中国や日本における経済刺激策に対する投資家たちの希望が、米国市場に先導された厳しい心理を埋め合わせた。日本の日経225平均は0.7%の若干安で取引を終え、韓国の Kospi 総合は0.7%上昇、台湾の Taiex は0.2%上昇した。上海総合は1.1%下落、香港のハンセン指数は2.3%値を下げて取引を終えた。
82,349 会社概要の閲覧回数
- 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 33) (過去30日間: 195) (発行以降: 15677)