Fraser and Neave Limited

SIN:F27 ISIN:SG1T58930911

Fraser and Neave, Limited is a Singapore-based company engaged in the production and sale of soft drinks, beer, stout, dairy products and glass containers; development of and investment in property; investment in and management of real estate investment trusts (REIT), and printing and publishing. These activities are carried out through the Company’s subsidiary, joint venture and associated companies. Its segments include soft drinks, dairies, breweries, printing and publishing, glass containers, investment property, development property, REIT and others. The Company operates in Singapore, Malaysia, Rest of South East Asia, North East Asia, South Asia, South Pacific, Europe and United States. In March 2008, the Company’s subsidiary, Heineken-APB (China) Pte. Ltd., acquired the remaining 3% stake in Shanghai Asia Pacific Brewery Co., Ltd. 




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抑圧された経済や低インフレのため、金利は長期間にわたり低水準で設定される予定であると連邦準備金制度の Ben Bernanke 議長が語ったことから、昨夜のウォール街は横ばいで取引を終えた。


アジア市場概観 2月20日

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61,809 会社概要の閲覧回数

  • 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 25) (過去30日間: 82) (発行以降: 10701) 
