Dexia SA

EBR:DEXB ISIN:BE0003796134

Dexia SA is a Belgian bank specialized in retail banking and local public finance. The Bank offers a range of banking services for individual customers, small and medium-sized enterprises and institutional clients. It has four divisions: Asset Management, Personal Financial Services, Treasury and Financial Markets, and Investor Services. The Asset Management division offers products ranging from traditional and alternative funds to socially responsible investments. The Personal Financial Services segment focuses on banking and insurance products, including both life and non-life insurance products. Through its Treasury and Financial Markets division, Dexia is present in the capital markets and provides support to the entire Group. The Investor Services segment offers various services to shareholders, such as fund and pension administration. Through its subsidiaries, Dexia SA is active in over 30 countries, including Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Turkey, Australia and Japan. 



オーストラリア市場レポート 2月4日:厳しい失業率見込み

🕔2/4/2009 1:00:17 PM 17267

中央銀行による金利引下げが金融株を支え、火曜日のオーストラリア株式市場は値を上げて取引を終えた。S&P/オーストラリア証券取引所200銘柄の基準指数は11.3ポイント・0.32%上昇の3,508.7、全株価指数は5.6ポイント・0.16%上昇の3,449.1ポイントとなった。投資家たちは今日、BHP Billitonの業績報告やオーストラリア準備銀行による金利引下げを受けての主要4銀行の決定に注目している。


43,164 会社概要の閲覧回数

  • 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 20) (過去30日間: 65) (発行以降: 8749) 


  • 財政  
  • 主要業種
  • 銀行,保険 
  • ホームページ