Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited

BOM:500312 ISIN:INE213A01011

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is mainly engaged in the oil exploration and production activities. ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. ONGC has established 6.42 billion tons of in-place hydrocarbon reserves with more than 300 discoveries of oil and gas. Out of these In-place hydrocarbons in domestic acreages, Ultimate Reserves are 2.29 Billion Metric tons (BMT) of Oil Plus Oil Equivalent Gas (O+OEG). It produces 762.3 Million Metric Tons (MMT) of crude and 440.7 Billion Cubic Meters (BCM) of Natural Gas, from 115 fields. OVL’s projects are spread out in Vietnam, Russia, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Myanmar, Syria, Qatar, Egypt, Cuba, Nigeria Sao Tome Principe, Brazil, Nigeria and Columbia. OVL has participation in 29 E&P Projects in 15 Countries. Out of the existing 29 Projects, OVL is operator in 14 projects and joint operator in two projects in nine countries. 



アジア市場概観 1月29日

🕔1/29/2009 3:00:27 PM 18337

不良債権を取り除き銀行を支援する新たな救済策に対する楽観性により米国の株式が反発し、木曜日のアジア各市場は力強い上昇を記録する模様である。木曜日の日経平均は1.2%高となった。これは円安のため Advantest Corp などの輸出業者から後押しを受け、米国政府による救済策に対する楽観性がウォール街を押し上げたことが支えとなったためである。


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  • www.ongcindia.com