Revolution Metals Ltd

Revolution Metals

Revolution Metals Ltd is an Australian public company and developer of mineral resources. The focus of the company is to develop mineral assets of economic grade to production, providing investors with rapid return on investment. Revolution's current tenement holding comprises 40 square kilometres of mineralized gold, silver, nickel, cobalt and lead bearing structures in northern New South Wales, Australia.

The primary gold bearing ironstone and quartz deposits of Mt Remarkable, Pine Creek and Alice Cornwall, are part of a field of numerous reefs and historical artisanal workings with over sixty identified as producing gold over a century ago.


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Berita Berjanji akan Memberikan Airdrop Koin GFUN Senilai Satu Juta Dolar untuk Para Pengguna Baru

🕔10/1/2018 2:01:43 PM 22069 berjanji akan membagikan sekitar 200 juta Koin GFUN senilai satu juta dolar dengan menggunakan airdrop untuk para pengguna baru.

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Data Perusahaan

    Markas Besar
  • Level 1, 3 Spring St
  • Telepon
  • +61-2-8205-7339 
  • Fax
  • +61-2-9225-9034 
  • Sektor Utama
  • Materials 
  • Industri Utama
  • Mining & Metals 
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