Rex Minerals Limited


 The strategy at Rex Minerals Limited is to acquire highly prospective projects with the potential to host large resources in commodities that are in high demand. Rex has ownership of projects covering the commodities of Gold, Silver, Copper and Iron. They are located in two states (SA and NSW) and are within geological terrains that are known for their endowment in these commodities. Rex then applies its extensive technical experience and existing drilling capacity to progress these projects. These projects will lay the foundations for long term internal growth of Rex as we forge ahead to become a diversified exploration and mining company.


Lihat di Bahasa Lain


Laporan Pasar Australia 15 Maret 2011: Kangaroo Resources (ASX:KRL) Sesuai Rencana Dalam Menyelesaikan Akuisisi Proyek Batubara Termis Pakar di Indonesia

🕔3/15/2011 12:00:00 PM 14017

Laporan Pasar Australia 15 Maret 2011 memuat: Kangaroo Resources Limited (ASX:KRL) berjalan sesuai rencana dalam menyelesaikan proses akuisisi Proyek Batubara Termis Pakar di Indonesia pada Bulan Juni 2011; General Mining Corporation Limited (ASX:GMM) menaikkan AUD 1,2 juta untuk memacu proyek-proyek di Mongolia dan Australia Barat; Hot Rock Limited (ASX:HRL) berhasil menyelesaikan survei geografis di Proyek Panas Bumi Longavi miliknya di Cili; Rex Minerals Limited (ASX:RXM) melaporkan beberapa perpotongan bermutu tinggi yang dangkal pada Proyek Tembaga Hillside di Australia Selatan.

Baca Full Story


  • Halaman ini dilihat: (7 Hari Terakhir: 55) (30 Hari Terakhir: 189) (Sejak Ditampilkan: 20330) 

Data Perusahaan

    Markas Besar
  • 209 Dana Street
    Victoria, 3350
  • Telepon
  • +61-3-5337-4000 
  • Sektor Utama
  • Materials 
  • Industri Utama
  • Mining & Metals 
  • Homepage

Lebih banyak Berita lagi

  • 2024/10/31: Removal from Official List*
  • 2024/10/30: Notification of cessation of securities - RXM*
  • 2024/10/30: Notification of cessation of securities - RXM*
  • 2024/10/30: Scheme Implementation*
  • 2024/10/16: Suspension from Quotation*
  • 2024/10/16: Scheme Legally Effective*
  • 2024/10/15: Court Approves Scheme*
  • 2024/10/11: Appendix 3Y - Rivamonte*
  • 2024/10/11: Appendix 3Y - Laufmann*
  • 2024/10/11: Application for quotation of securities - RXM*
*refer to company website

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