Anglogold Ashanti Limited


AngloGold Ashanti produced 5.5 million ounces of gold in 2007 - an estimated 7% of global production - making it the third largest producer in the world. The bulk of its production came from deep level underground operations (40%) and surface operations (3%) in South Africa. Contributions from other countries were Ghana (10%), Mali (8%), Australia (11%), Brazil (7%), Tanzania (6%), USA (5%), Guinea (5%), Argentina (4%) and Namibia (1%). Today, AngloGold Ashanti has 20 operations located in 10 countries on four continents, together with a substantial project pipeline and a focused, global exploration programme. AngloGold Ashanti currently operates in South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Ghana, the Republic of Guinea, Mali, Namibia, Tanzania and the United States. 

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Laporan Pasar Australia 9 Maret 2011: Hunnu Coal (ASX:HUN) Membentuk Kerjasama Strategis Dengan Banpu PCL (BAK:BANPU)

🕔3/9/2011 12:00:00 PM 13135

Laporan Pasar Australia 9 Maret 2011 memuat: Hunnu Coal Limited (ASX:HUN) telah menanda tangani Kesepakatan Pemegang Saham Strategis dan Nota Kesepahaman untuk membentuk kerjasama strategis dengan Banpu Public Company Limited (BAK:BANPU); Dragon Mining Limited (ASX:DRA) mengumumkan bahwa persediaan sumberdaya emas untuk Proyek Emas Nordic miliknya melebihi 1 juta ons; Eagle Eye Metals Limited (ASX:EYE) telah memasuki Nota Kesepahaman (MoU) untuk mengambil alih proyek-proyek emas di Afrika; Thor Mining PLC (ASX:THR) telah memulai program penggalian pada Proyek Emas Dundas di Australia Barat.

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