AIC Mines Ltd

ASX:A1M ISIN:AU0000049033

AIC Mines LtdAIC Mines' (ASX:A1M) principal asset is the Marymia exploration project in Western Australia, strategically located within trucking distance of the Plutonic Gold Mine and the Degrussa Copper Mine.

AIC Mines was established through the merger between Intrepid Mines and AIC Resources in April 2019, with the company name subsequently changed to AIC Mines (from Intrepid Mines) and the ASX ticker to A1M (from IAU). AIC Mines has the management and operational skills, together with the balance sheet strength, to pursue acquisitions whilst maintaining exploration momentum at Marymia.

AIC Mines intends to operate a portfolio of producing gold and/or copper assets within Australia. The diverse production base is expected to deliver reliable production for the Company.


Lihat di Bahasa Lain


Laporan Pasar Australia 8 Nopember 2010: Mineralisasi Emas Bermutu Tinggi yang Meluas milik Intrepid Mines (ASX:IAU) di Indonesia

🕔11/9/2010 1:00:00 PM 13278

Laporan Pasar Australia 8 Nopember 2010 memuat: Intrepid Mines Limited (ASX:IAU) mengebor tambahan mineralisasi tembaga dan emas bermutu tinggi di Indonesia; iCash Payment Systems Limited (ASX:ICP) mengakuisisi tambahan 4,71% saham di anak cabang Korea miliknya neoICP; navigator Resources Limited (ASX:NAV) mengumumkan penemuan emas bermutu tinggi di Australia Barat; Adamus Resources Limited (ASX:ADU) memperdalam zona sulfida kaya emas di Ghana barat laut.

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Laporan Pasar Australia 30 September 2010: Azure Minerals Limited (ASX:AZS) melaksanakan program eksplorasi besar-besaran di Mexico

🕔9/30/2010 1:30:00 PM 15305

Laporan Pasar Australia 30 September 2011 memuat: Azure Minerals Limited (ASX:AZS) telah melaksanakan program eksplorasi besar-besaran di Mexico; Intrepid Mines Limited (ASX:IAU) (TSX:IAU) melaporkan sumberdaya yang tampak sebanyak 500 juta ton 0,4% tembaga dan 0,5 g/t emas pada zona porfiri tembaga-emas di Indonesia;White Cliff Nickel Limited (ASX:WCN) telah mengidentifikasikan adanya zona tambahan yang kaya akan mineralisasi tembaga; Avanco Resources Limited (ASX:AVB) telah menerima pembayaran awal sebesar 100.000 Juta Dollar dari Vale SA (NYSE:VALE) berkenaan dengan akuisisi terhadap Trindade North.

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  • Halaman ini dilihat: (7 Hari Terakhir: 35) (30 Hari Terakhir: 120) (Sejak Ditampilkan: 13234) 

Data Perusahaan

    Markas Besar
  • A8, Level 1, 435 Roberts Road
    Subiaco WA 6008
  • Telepon
  • (08) 6269 0110 
  • Fax
  • (08) 6230 5176 
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Lebih banyak Berita lagi

  • 2025/03/03: Change of Director's Interest Notice - El-Raghy*
  • 2025/02/27: Change of Director's Interest Notice - El-Raghy*
  • 2025/02/24: Notification of cessation of securities - A1M*
  • 2025/02/20: FY25 Half Yearly Report and Accounts*
  • 2025/02/19: Exploration Update*
  • 2025/02/03: Investor Presentation*
  • 2025/01/28: December Quarterly Activities Report*
  • 2025/01/23: Significant Results from Jericho Resource Extension Drilling*
  • 2025/01/22: Q2 Conference Call Notification*
  • 2024/12/03: Change of Director's Interest Notice - A Colleran*
*refer to company website