PDACThe Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) is the leading voice of the mineral exploration and development community, an industry that employs more than 664,000 individuals, and contributed $132 billion to Canada's GDP in 2021. Currently representing over 7,800 members around the world, PDAC's work centers on supporting a competitive, responsible, and sustainable mineral sector. PDAC 2025, our 93rd annual convention, will take place in person in Toronto, Canada from March 2-5. Please visit pdac.ca for more information.


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Plus de 17 000 participants sont accueillis à Toronto pour le 90e congrès de la PDAC

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L'industrie mondiale de l'exploration minérale et de l'exploitation minière est revenue à Toronto pour son premier congrès en personne de l'Association canadienne des prospecteurs et entrepreneurs (PDAC) depuis mars 2020, confirmant la soif du secteur de retourner aux affaires, dans la chair.

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Company Data

  • 135 King Street East
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5C 1G6
  • Telephone
  • +416-362-1969 
  • Fax
  • +416-362-0101 
  • Principal Sector
  • Materials 
  • Principal Industry
  • Mining & Metals 
  • Homepage
  • www.pdac.ca/convention

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