Aus Tin Mining Ltd


Aus Tin Mining ASX:ANWAus Tin Mining Limited (ASX:ANW) has a vision to become a major Australian tin producer. The Company has recommenced production at the high grade Granville Tin Project located north of Zeehan (TAS) and the Company intends to expand the Granville Tin Project and undertake exploration to extend the Life of Mine. The Company is also developing the world class Taronga Tin Project located near Emmaville (NSW). The Company defined and announced its maiden JORC compliant resource for the Taronga Tin Project in late 2013 and test work and exploration activities on site have revealed potential credits for copper, silver, tungsten, molybdenum, lithium and rubidium. Highly prospective regional targets have also been established within the Company's broader tenement footprint, and within trucking distance of the proposed processing site at Taronga. Plans for a staged development of the Taronga Tin Project are in formation, together with the associated approvals processes. The Company also maintains an active exploration program. The Company holds a portfolio of exploration licenses prospective for nickel, cobalt and copper (Kilkivan QLD); and tin, copper, silver, tungsten and lithium (Torrington NSW).


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Rapport du marché australien en date du 2 mars 2011: Queensland Bauxite (ASX:QBL) obtient huit nouvelles concessions de bauxite dans le Queensland

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Le rapport du marché australien en date du 2 mars 2011 inclut les titres suivants: Queensland Bauxite Limited (ASX:QBL) a obtenu huit nouvelles concessions minières de bauxite; Neon Energy Limited (ASX:NEN) a communiqué une mise à jour de ses activités de prospection de pétrole et de gaz au Vietnam; AusNiCo Limited (ASX:ANW) a annoncé de nouvelles intersections d'or-cuivre et de nickel à haute teneur et peu profondes sur le site de son prospect Pembroke; Havilah Resources Limited (ASX:HAV) a pu agrandir la taille du gisement de minerai de fer Maldorky.

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