Newsat Limited


 NewSat Limited (ASX:NWT) provides a full range of managed communication services, TT & C and carrier monitoring from its teleports in Perth and Adelaide to Australia/Oceania, Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

Utilising the latest generation satellite and VSAT technology, NewSat offers end-toend, affordable, high-speed, two-way satellite broadband communication services, products and solutions to broadcasters, cable programmers, news agencies, telecommunication carriers, Internet service providers, corporations, governments and distance-learning networks. In addition, NewSat Networks operates multiple Broadband IP Services based on technologies developed by ViaSat, Gilat, Hughes, Comtech and iDirect.

Services are available on a wide range of satellites accessible from the Perth and Adelaide facilities. Antenna sizes ranging from 3.7 to 13m are available in addition to all the necessary RF and conversion equipment. Customers may co-locate equipment in these facilities, or NewSat can provide an end-to-end service. 

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Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 1º de abril de 2011: Renaissance Uranium (ASX:RNU) inicia Barreno en Proyecto de Uranio Cuenca Pirie

🕔4/1/2011 12:00:44 PM 19552

Mercado Australiano, 1º de abril de 2011 incluye: Renaissance Uranium Limited (ASX:RNU) inicia barreno en Proyecto ubicado en Cuenca Pirie, Australia del Sur; El Grupo CNOOC Gas & Power otorga concesión interna a Exoma Energy Limited's (ASX:EXE) por el 50% de cinco importantes permisos de gas en Cuenca Galilee; NewSat Limited (ASX:NWT) obtiene licitación para proveer servicios de comunicación satelital a tropas militares estadounidenses en Afganistán; Orocobre Limited (ASX:ORE) (TSE:ORL) dio a conocer incremento en estimación de recursos del Proyecto Potasa de Litio en Salar de Olaroz, Argentina.

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310,186 Visitas al Perfil de la Empresa

  • Número de visitas: (Últimos 7 Días: 33) (Últimos 30 Días: 179) (Desde su Publicación: 19984) 

Datos de la Empresa

  • Level 27 , IBM Tower , 60 City Road
  • Teléfono
  • (03) 9674 4644 
  • Fax
  • (03) 9674 4655 
  • Principal Sector
  • Communications 
  • Principal Industria
  • Electronics & Equipment 
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