China Mining

 China Mining Association is a juridical association approved by the State Council of the People's Republic of China, with members ranging over the whole mining industry. The association mainly consists of, on a voluntary basis, domestic and overseas mining corporations (including oil fields), geological prospecting enterprises, nation-wide mining industry associations, province-level mining industry associations (unions), mining industry related scientific research institutes and academies, as well as the mining areas and cities. The principle of the association is to serve the mining corporations and the government, and to promote the development of mining industry, following the internal law and development process of mining industry, acting as a bridge and link between the mining industries and the government. 

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VIDEO: Secretario de Minería de la República de Argentina, el Sr.Jorge Mayoral expuso en China Mining 2010

🕔12/13/2010 10:04:11 AM 14387

El Sr. Jorge Mayoral es graduado de ingeniería de minas de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina y posteriormente realizó postgrados de Economía y Negocios en la Christian University of Texas, Estados Unidos además de un postgrado de Macroeconomía y Técnicas de Exportación en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de San Juan, Argentina.

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