Bapcor Limited (ASX:BAP) is Australasia's premier provider of automotive aftermarket parts, accessories, automotive equipment and services.
Bapcor's core business segment is automotive. Other group businesses currently include footwear and resource services.
Bapcor's automotive business segment includes Trade, Retail, Service, and Specialist Wholesale. Our trade, retail and service business are home to iconic brands such as Burson Auto Parts, BNT, Autobarn, Autopro, Car Parts, Sprint Auto Parts, Opposite Lock, Midas, ABS, the Shock Shop. The specialist wholesale businesses include AAD, Bearing Wholesalers, Baxters, MTQ, Roadsafe, JAS Oceania, HCB, Diesel Distributors, Federal Batteries, Premier Auto Trade, and many more.
Bapcor's other brands include the iconic New Zealand footwear brands of Number One Shoes, Hannahs, Pulp and Hush Puppies and the specialist international resource service brands Contract Resources and TBS Group.
Bapcor employs over 5,600 people across more than 1,000 locations worldwide.
Bapcor fully acquired Hellaby Holdings in early 2017.