Government of Bermuda

 Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory with a high degree of internal self-government. The official head of state is the Queen, who appoints a Governor to represent her in Bermuda. The Governor is responsible for the police, external affairs, internal security and defence. 


Corporation of Hamilton Updates Waterfront Development Project

🕔9/15/2013 2:42:21 PM 6439

The Corporation of Hamilton, Bermuda has issued an action timeline detailing the ongoing progress of the City's major waterfront development project, which they identified as "the most significant development that Bermuda has ever undertaken."

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Unusual Air Race has Bermuda in its Sights

🕔11/30/2012 10:40:10 AM 6514

Bermuda is vying to be one of several destinations for an airship race right out of the pages of Jules Verne. The Island's Ministers met yesterday with the Commissioner of the World Air League Don Hartsell about hosting the inaugural World Sky Race, featuring blimps, airships and Zeppelins.

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SEMINAR: Building Ties Between Toronto and Bermuda - 4th October 2012

🕔9/20/2012 7:51:52 AM 5829

For the fourth consecutive year, Hedge Fund Hotel are hosting a meeting to further promote business between Toronto and Bermuda. In an afternoon information session on 4 October, our speakers will explore the costs and benefits for Canadian companies of doing business in Bermuda. There will also be an in-depth discussion on re-insurance, insurance-linked securities and captives, a long standing backbone of Bermuda's financial sector.

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VIDEO: Bermuda's Premier Paula A. Cox Speaks at the C3 Summit for Arab/U.S. Business

🕔9/16/2012 11:49:55 AM 16835

Bermuda's Premier Paula A. Cox presented before the attendees of the C3 Summit Arab/U.S. Conference prior to introducing former US President Bill Clinton as the keynote speaker for C3 Summit 2012

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Webcast: C3 Summit - Conference on Middle East Business and Finance, New York, Thursday September 13 and 14, 2012

🕔9/13/2012 1:30:13 AM 7298

Bermuda's Premier Paula A. Cox, JP, MP, will make the introductory remarks to President Bill Clinton's keynote speech at the 2012 C3 Summit 2012. The C3 Summit, a major conference on U.S./Arab business and finance, will be held in New York City on September 13/14.

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President Clinton to Keynote at C3 Summit 2012 on U.S./Arab Business in New York on September 13/14

🕔9/12/2012 7:46:24 AM 6610

The press are invited to attend the C3 Summit which will examine all aspects of Middle East business and financial opportunities. It has attracted many leaders from the Arab states who will join their counterparts in the U.S. and abroad at New York's Museum of Natural History auditorium.

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President Clinton to Keynote at Major U.S./Mid East Business Conference: Bermuda to Co-Host C3 Summit in New York

🕔9/7/2012 5:58:51 AM 9504

Bermuda's Premier Paula A. Cox, JP, MP, will make the introductory remarks to President Bill Clinton's keynote speech at the 2012 C3 Summit to be held in New York on September 13/14. The event, which will examine all aspects of the Mid East business and financial opportunities, has attracted many leaders from Arab states who will join their counterparts in the U.S. and abroad at New York's Museum of Natural History auditorium.

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President Bill Clinton to Keynote C3 Summit: Bermuda to Co-Chair the New York Event

🕔8/17/2012 3:12:33 AM 10378

The organizers of the 2012 C3 Summit have announced that President Bill Clinton, Founder of the William J. Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States, will serve as keynote speaker at the C3 Summit 2012: The 21st Century Business Challenges in U.S.-Arab Opportunities to be held on September 13/14 in New York City. The Honorable Paula A. Cox, JP, MP, Bermuda's Premier, will serve as Co Chair of the C3 Summit.

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President Bill Clinton to Keynote C3 Summit: Bermuda to Co-Chair the New York Event

🕔8/17/2012 3:12:33 AM 10378

The organizers of the 2012 C3 Summit have announced that President Bill Clinton, Founder of the William J. Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States, will serve as keynote speaker at the C3 Summit 2012: The 21st Century Business Challenges in U.S.-Arab Opportunities to be held on September 13/14 in New York City. The Honorable Paula A. Cox, JP, MP, Bermuda's Premier, will serve as Co Chair of the C3 Summit.

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Bermuda's Premier in Brussels for European Commission Meetings: Speaks to ABIR Regulatory Forum

🕔5/31/2012 7:15:05 AM 5322

The Hon. Paula A. Cox, J.P., M.P., Premier and Minister of Finance was in Brussels this week to deliver a clear message to key European decision-makers that Bermuda considers it vital to actively engage with Europe.

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