Aurizon Holdings Ltd

Dynasty Metals Australia (ASX:DMA) welcomes the latest joint announcement by Brockman Resources (ASX:BRM) / Atlas Iron (ASX:AGO) / QR National (ASX:QRN) that three parties have entered into an Alliance Study Agreement to undertake "a joint evaluation of a fully integrated mine, rail and port logistics solution in Western Australia's East Pilbara region."
Atlas Iron Limited (ASX:AGO) are pleased to provide the June 2012 Quarterly Report, report includes; Operations update - mine production and shipping, marketing, projects Horizon 1 & 2, exploration and resource development, resources and reserve update, and corporate update.
Bandanna Energy Limited (ASX:BND) continues to progress project development activities required to position Bandanna as Australia's next coal producer. Key highlights and milestones for the Reporting Period, confirming Bandanna's ongoing transition from coal explorer to coal producer, include:
Atlas Iron Limited (ASX:AGO) is pleased to provide its Quarterly Activity Report for the quarter ended 31 March 2012.
Atlas Iron Limited (ASX:AGO) is pleased to advise that it has entered into a binding Memorandum of Understanding with QR National (ASX:QRN) to progress the feasibility of an independent railway in WA's Pilbara region.
Bandanna Energy Limited (ASX:BND) is pleased to announce that it has reached a commercial agreement for a rail solution for its Golden Triangle projects. The Wiggins Island Rail Project (WIRP) Agreement was reached by Bandanna Energy and other Stage 1 WICET shippers with QR Network Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of QR National (ASX:QRN).
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