Agri Energy Limited
Asian Activities Report for July 25, 2011 includes: Agri Energy Limited (ASX:AAE) has commenced drilling operations in Syria; Pan Pacific Petroleum NL (ASX:PPP) announced preliminary assessment of the reserves of the Tui oil fields; ZYL Limited (ASX:ZYL) announced additional significant coal intersections at the Kangwane Anthracite Project; Green Rock Energy Limited (ASX:GRK) increases its hydrocarbon footprint in the Canning Basin; POSCO (SEO:005490) and SK Innovation (SEO:096770) will jointly develop first coal conversion technology in Korea; Inditex Group (MCE:ITX) and Trent Limited (BOM:500251) have reached a joint venture agreement; Mahindra and Mahindra Limited (BOM:500520) has offered to acquire up to 34,51,613 EPC Industries (BOM:523754) shares.
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