In Papua New Guinea (PNG), also known for large gold and copper deposits, Indochine holds an option over a major gold resource at Mt Kare. In Laos, potential exploration areas are being evaluated.

Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) (POMSoX:IDC) advises that the resolutions, as set out below and put to the above meeting on 19 November 2013, which commenced at 11.00 am, were carried by a show of hands.
Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) CEOs Presentation to the Shareholders
Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) Chairman's Address to Shareholders: At this stage of proceedings I will make an opening address before moving to the formal part of the meeting. After the formal part of the meeting Stephen Promnitz, the Chief Executive Officer will make a presentation, after which we will be open to questions from the floor, and at the close of the meeting we will be happy to talk to our shareholders informally over a refreshment.
Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) has completed the 2 for 5 pro-rata nonrenounceable offer ("Entitlement Offer").
Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) provide the Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Reports for the period ending 30 September.
Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) (POMSoX:IDC) is pleased to announce that drilling has commenced for the underground adit and portal to access the high grade gold/silver zones at the Company's Mt Kare Gold-Silver Project, PNG.
Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) (POMSoX:IDC) is pleased to announce that it has today completed settlement of the institutional component of its 2 for 5 accelerated Non-Renounceable Entitlements Offer which was announced on 3 October 2013.
Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) ("Indochine") provides the opportunity to view and listen to an interview with Stephen Promnitz, CEO, regarding the capital raising for the company's Mt Kare Gold-Silver Project in Papua New Guinea
Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) ("Indochine" or the "Company") today announces the successful completion of the recently announced Placement and the accelerated institutional component ("Institutional Offer") of the 2 for 5 pro-rata non-renounceable offer ("Entitlement Offer"), as the first part of a capital raising to raise up to approximately $26.3 million.
Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) Presentation at Sydney Mining Club September 5, 2013 by Chief Executive Officer Stephen Promnitz.