Ernst & Young Global Limited
Accounting may actually be the "second-"oldest profession, and Ernst & Young is one of the oldest practitioners. Ernst & Young is also one of the world's Big Four accounting firms (third in revenue behind PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, ahead of KPMG). It has some 700 offices providing auditing and accounting services in 140 countries. The firm also provides legal services and advisory services relating to emerging growth companies, human resources issues, and corporate transactions (mergers and acquisitions, public offeringss, and the like). Ernst & Young has one of the world's largest tax practices, serving multinational clients that have to comply with multiple local tax laws.

In an interview on the sidelines of the RIU Good Oil conference held in Fremantle, Western Australia, Mr Curtin said he was seeing the M&A scene re-emerge in the short term against a back drop of disciplined capital management.
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