Lions Gate Metals Inc.
D'Aguilar Gold Limited (ASX:DGR) announce further to the previous announcement of 23 April 2010, the Directors are pleased to provide a further update regarding the upcoming IPO of its 79% subsidiary AusNiCo Limited.
ABN Newswire stocks to watch today include: Atlas Iron Limited (ASX:AGO), D'Aguilar Gold Limited's (ASX:DGR), Lions Gate Metals Inc. (CVE:LGM) (PINK:LGMFF), Magnetic Resources Nl (ASX:MAU), Universal Resources Limited (ASX:URL), Victory West Moly Limited (ASX:VWM) and ABM Resources NL (ASX:ABU).
Further to D'Aguilar Gold Limited's (ASX:DGR) previous announcements of 3 and 16 September, and 21 December 2009, the Board of Directors is pleased to announce that it is on track to merge its 80% subsidiary AusNiCo Ltd with Tier 1 TSX.V listed Lions Gate Metals Inc. (CVE:LGM) (PINK:LGMFF).
D'Aguilar Gold Limited (ASX:DGR) is pleased to provide a Quarterly Activities Report for the period ended 31 December 2009.
D'Aguilar Gold Limited (ASX:DGR) are pleased to advise that the company has secured exploration licence applications over an extensive new "Carlin Style" gold province in Queensland on the eastern edge of the northern section of Queensland's Bowen Basin.
ABN Newswire Stocks to Watch today include: Mesoblast Limited (ASX:MSB) (PINK:MBLTY), Metallica Minerals Limited (ASX:MLM), Atlas Iron Limited, Warwick Resources Limited (ASX:WRK), AuDAX Resources Limited (ASX:ADX) (PINK:ADXRF), D'Aguilar Gold Limited (ASX:DGR) and Lions Gate Metals Inc (CVE:LGM) (PINK:LGMFF).
D'Aguilar Gold Limited (ASX:DGR) is pleased to announce that on Friday evening, 18th December 2009, a binding letter of intent ("LOI") was executed with Lions Gate Metals Inc (CVE:LGM) (PINK:LGMFF). The LOI contains the principal terms of the business combination transaction disclosed in the Company's ASX release of 3 September 2009.
D'Aguilar Gold Limited (ASX:DGR) are pleased to advise that an agreement has been entered for the sale of its 79% interest in Central Minerals Pty Ltd (ACN: 125 394 132) (Central Minerals or Central) which holds gold exploration interests in central Queensland at Rannes and Clermont.
During the quarter field exploration activities have been concentrated on soil sampling and geological mapping on Central Minerals and D'Aguilar Gold Limited (ASX:DGR) wholly owned projects at Bathurst.
D'Aguilar Gold Limited (ASX:DGR) and its 79% owned subsidiary AusNiCo Limited advise that due diligence by all parties is well advanced in respect of the merger agreement with TSX listed tier 1 Canadian company Lions Gate Metals Inc. (CVE:LGM).
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