OSL:HNA ISIN:NO0004306408
Hafslund (OSL:HNA) Hafslund ASA has 10 September 2008 issued a NOK 200 million commercial paper with maturity 12 March 2009, coupon 7.14 %.
Hafslund (OSL:HNA) Hafslund ASA has 9 September 2008 bought 20,000 Hafslund shares of class B at a price of NOK 98.14 per share. After this transaction, Hafslund`s balance of own shares is zero Hafslund class A shares and 314,784 Hafslund class B shares.
Hafslund (OSL:HNA) Hafslund ASA has today sold 970 Hafslund class B shares at a price of 101.50 NOK per share to "Stiftelsen Hafslund-ansattes aksjekjøp" (Foundation for Hafslund employee's share purchase). The sale is part of the liquidation of the Foundation through the distribution of Hafslund shares to employees in the Hafslund Group. After this transaction, Hafslund's balance of own shares is zero Hafslund class A shares and 294,784 Hafslund class B shares.
Hafslund (OSL:HNA) Hafslund ASA has issued two commercial papers in the Norwegian market: - NOK 400 million, start 20. August 2008 maturity 20. February 2009, coupon 7.15 %, and - NOK 400 million, start 20. August 2008 maturity 20. August 2009, coupon 7.20 %.
Hafslund Hafslund has entered into an agreement with Securitas Direct AS regarding the sale of Hafslund Sikkerhet which constitutes Hafslund's residential alarm business. Securitas Direct will take over Hafslund's residential alarm business, including customers, personnel and equipment. The transaction is only conditional on approval by the Norwegian Competition Authority.
Hafslund Please see the attached analyst presentation for the second quarter 2008.
Hafslund The presentation of the 2nd quarter 2008 accounts will be held on Thursday 17th July at 09:00 am.
Hafslund With reference to press release sent at 08:12 this morning, an error was made in the table of primary insiders' holdings of shares. Please see updated table below:
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