Texon Petroleum Ltd
As part of the demerger of Talon Petroleum Limited (ASX:TPD) from Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN), a ruling was sought from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on the taxation implications for shareholders.
Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN) advises that the proposed scheme of arrangement under which Texon will be acquired by Sundance Energy Australia Limited (ASX:SEA, Sundance) (Acquisition Scheme) was implemented today.
Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN) advises that the proposed scheme of arrangement under which Talon Petroleum Limited will be demerged from Texon (Demerger Scheme) was implemented today.
Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN) advises that the proposed schemes of arrangement under which Talon Petroleum Limited (Talon) will be demerged from Texon (Demerger Scheme) and Texon will be acquired by Sundance Energy Australia Limited
Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN) advises that the Federal Court of Australia has today made orders approving the proposed schemes of arrangement under which Talon Petroleum Limited (Talon) will be demerged from Texon (Demerger Scheme) and Texon will be acquired by Sundance Energy Australia Limited (ASX:SEA, Sundance) (Acquisition Scheme).
Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN) advises that Texon Shareholders have today approved the proposed schemes of arrangement under which Talon Petroleum Limited (Talon) will be demerged from Texon (Demerger Scheme) and Texon will be acquired by Sundance Energy Australia Limited
Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN) Chairman's address Aquisition meeting today.
Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN) Chairman's address Demerger meeting today
Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN) Chairman's address General meeting today
Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN) refers to the notice of extraordinary general meeting attached to the Demerger Scheme Booklet released to ASX on 22 January 2013 and advises that the Chairman intends at that meeting (which will be held on 25 February 2013) to note a minor correction to Resolution 1 in that notice which will replace the reference to "Effective Date" in the fifth line of that resolution with a reference to "Implementation Date".
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