Oil Basins Limited (ASX:OBL) wishes to make the following announcement as a matter of record. A new research report prepared by Gordon Capital is available at the Shareholder Centre / Research section of the Company's website www.oilbasins.com.au
The Directors of Oil Basins Limited (ASX:OBL) are pleased to make the following ASX announcement. Oil Basins Limited has advised Octanex N.L. (ASX:OXX) that, with the National Native Title Tribunal determination on 1 February 2013, OBL has successfully completed the first requirement of the farmin for a 25% interest in the Derby Block (after grant) to OXX as previously announced on 24 January 2013.
The Directors of Oil Basins Limited (ASX:OBL) are pleased to make the following ASX announcement. The Company advises that late on Friday 1 February 2013 it received the formal arbitration determination of the future act, namely allowing the grant of petroleum exploration permit 5/07-8 EP (Derby Block), under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) from the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT).
Oil Basins Limited (ASX:OBL) is pleased to present its December 2012 Quarterly Report.
Oil Basins Limited (ASX:OBL) anticipates that it will soon be awarded at least 50% of petroleum exploration permit 5/07-8EP (Derby Block), refer to Figures 1 & 2, OBL has arranged a modest capital raising, with the funds so raised to be used by OBL as general 'top-up' working capital and to assist the Company's initial funding of its interest in the Derby Block.
The Directors of Oil Basins Limited (ASX:OBL) are pleased to make the following ASX announcement as a matter of record so as to keep the market fully informed. Derby Block - Status; The Company advises that all submissions from stakeholders have on 21 December 2013 now been received by the National Native Title Tribunal ("NNTT") and the Company expects a formal determination by the NNTT under section 35 of the Native Title Act allowing possible award of the permit later this month.
The directors of Oil Basins Limited (ASX:OBL) are pleased to make the following ASX and Media Announcement. OBL holds 100% of Retention Lease R3/R1 in the offshore Carnarvon Basin. The lease covers approximately 80 km2 in relatively shallow water (~15m). There are four wells in the permit: Cyrano-1 and Cyrano-2, Fennel-1 and Lindsay-1. The two Cyrano wells define an oil field containing heavy biodegraded oil (22.8 degree API) with a relatively high oil viscosity (3.95 cp) within Mardie Greensand and Barrow Group reservoirs.
Oil Basins Limited's (ASX:OBL) recent announcement of the Fortescue Metals Group's (ASX:FMG) immediate Strategic Placement comprising 120 million new fully paid OBL ordinary shares will be of great interest to investors at the upcoming Investorium in Sydney on November 26th.
Oil Basins Limited (ASX:OBL) is pleased to advise the Australian Stock exchange that it has secured a Strategic Cornerstone Investment in the Company by Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (ASX:FMG).
The Company continued work on advancing a number of projects in its portfolio including a Cyrano contingent resources upgrade, preparations to drill East Blina-1 in the Canning Basin, and furtherance of native title arbitration concerning petroleum exploration permit application 5/07-8 EP in the Canning Basin.