Pacific American Coal Ltd (ASX:PAK) announced today the appointment of Mr Mark Lochtenberg as Managing Director to push forward development of the Company's flagship hard coking coal project, Elko, in British Columbia, Canada. He will commence on February 1, 2017.
Cockatoo Coal (ASX:COK) - Owner & Operator of Baralaba PCI Mine in Queensland (1mtpa) | Cockatoo planning Baralaba Expansion to 3.5mtpa | Substantial growth pipeline of real, high quality assets with significant potential
Bandanna Energy Limited (ASX:BND) advises that the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) has approved the arrangements for the construction of the Wiggins Island Rail Project.
Asian Activities Report for July 8, 2011 includes: Kidman Resources Limited (ASX:KDR) discovered a new high grade copper lode at the Blind Calf Prospect in central NSW; Transit Holdings Limited (ASX:TRH) announced an increase in grade and tonnage at the Paradox Basin Potash Project in USA; Amex Resources Limited (ASX:AXZ) has exercised its option at Lautoka Port for a 45 year lease; Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (TYO:8031) will acquire a 49% participating interest in the Woori coal project from Cockatoo Coal Limited (ASX:COK) for A$37.25 million.
Australian Market Report of December 9, 2010 includes: Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) began trading on Australian Stock Exchange today; CNOOC is to invest A$50m in Exoma Energy Limited's (ASX:EXE) Queensland Coal Seam Gas and Shale Gas Projects; Cockatoo Coal Limited (ASX:COK) today updated the current JORC Resources for Bowen projects; Quest Petroleum NL (ASX:QPN) has began drilling on the Marian Baker #1 well.
Australian Market Report of October 20, 2010 includes: JFE Shoji Trade Corporation has acquired interest In Cockatoo Coal (ASX:COK) Bowen Basin Projects; PanAust Limited (ASX:PNA) is to invest US$110 million at the Phu Kham Copper-Gold Operation in Laos; Poseidon Nickel Limited (ASX:POS) intersected higher than expected nickel sulphide grades at the Cerberus deposit; Transol Corporation Limited (ASX:TNC) has acquired two new gold projects in Cambodia.
Australian Market Report of September 10, includes; Diploma Group LLC (ASX:DGX) signs a contract for AED$60 million to construct a new government office building in the United Arab Emirates, Breakaway Resources Limited (ASX:BRW) completes four diamond drill hole as part of a joint venture with BHP Billiton (ASX:BHP), Cockatoo Coal Limited (ASX:COK) has entered into an Exclusivity Agreement with Mitsui & Co. Ltd (TYO:8031) (NASDAQ:MITSY)and Lend Lease (ASX:LLC) has entered into an Implementation Agreement with Sekisui House Australia Holdings Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Sekisui House Limited (TYO:1928).
Australian market fell on Wednesday led by financial and energy stocks with low trading volume during the session. The gains in US and Europe markets in previous session fail to inspired investors as they feared more disappointing US economic data could come out.
Australian miner Cockatoo Coal (ASX:COK) has teamed up with Electricity monopoly Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) (SEO:015760) and Korean steel maker POSCO (SEO:005490) to develop five mines acquired from UK mining company Anglo American (LON:AAL), including two underground coal deposits in New South Wales, and three open-cut coal deposits in Queensland. These undeveloped mines have a total estimated resource of 847-million tons.
Clean Global Energy Limited (ASX:CGV) is pleased to announce the appointments of Wayne Rossiter as Chief Financial Officer and Carl D'Silva as Exploration and Mining Geologist. Wayne Rossiter is a mining engineer and a chartered accountant with extensive experience in the mining and energy sectors. Carl D'Silva is an exploration and mining geologist with experience in PNG, Indonesia and Australia.