Artemis Resources Limited (ASX:ARV) (FRA:ATY) is a resources exploration and development company with a focus on its prospective West Pilbara (gold, base metals, platinum and platinum group elements) and Mt Clement-Paulsens (gold) project in Western Australia. On 16 December 2016, Artemis announced the signing of a binding conditional agreement with Fox Resources Limited for a 3 month exclusive option to buy their fully permitted AGIP 425,000tpa Radio Hill nickel and copper operations, processing plant and associated mining and exploration tenements with significant existing JORC 2004 and 2012 compliant resources of Nickel, Copper and Zinc situated within a 15 km radius of the Radio Hill plant, for a total consideration of $3.5 million. The Radio Hill Plant is located 35 km south of Karratha in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia.