Hanlong Mining ("Hanlong") notes the statement made today by Sundance Resources Limited (ASX:SDL) ("Sundance") and confirms that it has reached an agreement with Sundance to acquire 100 per cent of Sundance shares through a Scheme of Arrangement.
Moly Mines (ASX:MOL) CEO and Managing Director Dr Derek Fisher Presented to the Capital Markets at Investorium.tv in front of the top investment houses in Sydney on September 5, 2011.
Three Australian based Iron Ore Projects will be showcased as a live webcast from the Basement in Sydney on Monday 5th September from 4:45PM AEST, as well as VP of Corporate Solutions for the NASDAQ OMX. Over a hundred representatives of Sydney's top investment houses will be gathered to watch Live from Sydney's classic entertainment venue, the Basement in Circular Quay.
Hemisphere Resources (ASX:HEM) Turning Rocks Into Dollars, Moly Mines Ltd (ASX:MOL) The World's Next Primary Molybdenum Mine, NASDAQ OMX (NASDAQ:NDAQ) Corporate Solutions - Daniel Wadsworth, Proto Resources (ASX:PRW) Nickel Cobalt and Iron Flagship Project, Royal Resources (ASX:ROY) Magnetite at Razorback
Asian Activities Report for April 11, 2011 includes: Endocoal Limited (ASX:EOC) announced company development strategy and CEO appointment; China Magnesium Corporation Limited (ASX:CMC) has commissioned its existing magnesium ingot production plant in China and will commence magnesium production in April; Eden Energy Limited (ASX:EDE) has made the first commercial sale of its nano-carbon fibres to an industrial battery manufacturer; China Development Bank approves US$500 million project finance facility for Moly Mines Limited's (ASX:MOL) (TSE:MOL) Spinifex Ridge Molybdenum/Copper Project.
Australian Market Report of February 1, 2011 includes: Exoma Energy (ASX:EXE) signed farm-in agreement with CNOOC (HKG:0883); Moly Mines Limited (ASX:MOL) (TSE:MOL) has received loan commitment from China Development Bank for up to US$250 million; Asciano Group (ASX:AIO) secures another 3.5 million tonnes contract with Anglo American; Kidman Resources Limited (ASX:KDR) reported encouraging near-surface copper results in New South Wales.
Australian Market Report of December 31, 2010 includes: Moly Mines Limited (ASX:MOL) (TSE:MOL) has sailed its first shipment of 54,500 tonnes of iron ore to China; Living Cell Technologies Limited (ASX:LCT) announced A$5,750,000 fund raising; OM Holdings Limited (ASX:OMH) secured land for Malaysian based smelting and sintering plant; Perilya Limited (ASX:PEM) increased Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves in Broken Hill.
Australian Market Report of October 21, 2010 includes: Moly Mines Limited (ASX:MOL) signed an iron ore sales agreement with China; Uranium Equities Limited (ASX:UEQ) confirms high uranium grades at Nabarlek Project in Northern Territory; Marmota Energy Limited (ASX:MEU) commenced drilling at Angel Wing Gold Project in USA; Metaliko Resources Limited (ASX:MKO) has commenced a 21 hole reverse circulation drilling program at its Anthill Gold Project in Western Australia.
Australian Market Report of September 23, 2010 includes; Moly Mines Limited's (ASX:MOL) (TSE:MOL) Spinifex Ridge iron ore project is on track for its first shipment in early December 2010, Falcon Minerals Limited (ASX:FCN) is ready to commence a diamond drilling programme at Collurabbie nickel-copper-PGE Project, the State Government has approved Mount Gibson Iron Limited (ASX:MGX) (PINK:MTGRF) upgrade of the train unloading facility at the Geraldton Port and UraniumSA Limited (ASX:USA) have advised that following in-fill drilling of the Blackbush Prospect within its Mullaquana Uranium Project.
Moly Mines Limited (ASX: MOL) - Spinifex Ridge Project Update - Dr Derek Fisher, MD; Moly Mines Limited (ASX: MOL) present the following audio webcast regarding "MOL - Spinifex Ridge Project Update - Dr Derek Fisher, MD". You may also download this audio webcast to your computer or portable audio player.