Marathon Resources Limited
Pluton Resources Limited (ASX:PLV) are pleased to announce that Pluton has completed its first commercial hire agreement for two company patented Universal Drilling Platforms. The drilling platforms were hired to Winmax Drilling to complete a two hole program near Koolyanobbing in Western Australia for a Canadian listed junior exploration company. The site was sensitive due to priority listed flora including grasses and grevilleas that generally only occur on the target iron formations.
Marathon Resources Ltd (ASX: MTN) (Marathon) today announced a one (1) for five (5) non-renounceable pro rata rights issue at an issue price of $2.50 per new Marathon share. The issue price represents a discount of 25% to the closing price of Marathon's shares on 27 September 2007.
Surging demand for uranium means the race is on for Marathon Resources to develop production at its Mt Gee project in South Australia, one of the country's biggest deposits.
Marathon Resources Limited (ASX: MTN) - Activities Update - Mr Peter Williams, Chairman; Boardroomradio is pleased to announce that Marathon Resources Limited (ASX: MTN) has published an audio file.
Marathon Resources Ltd (ASX: MTN) advises that it has executed Joint Venture agreements with UraniumSA Ltd, an unlisted public company, for uranium exploration over three of Marathon's central Gawler Craton tenements. The arrangements, under negotiation since early April 2006, are conditional on UraniumSA completing a successful initial public offering (IPO) later this year.
Marathon Resources Ltd (ASX: MTN) advises that it has executed Joint Venture agreements with UraniumSA Ltd, an unlisted public company, for uranium exploration over three of Marathon's central Gawler Craton tenements. The arrangements, under negotiation since early April 2006, are conditional on UraniumSA completing a successful initial public offering (IPO) later this year.
South Australia could see a significant expansion of uranium mining in the short term and host uranium enrichment or a nuclear power plant within 20 years, the Chief Executive Officer of Marathon Resources, Dr John Santich, predicted yesterday.
The Mt Gee deposit, containing about 33,200t of uranium oxide, is in the central part of the northeasterly trending Paralana Mineral System located within the 100% Marathon Resources Ltd (ASX: MTN) owned South Australian tenement EL3258. Marathon is currently drilling at Mt Gee and has completed 3 drill holes of a 5 or 6 hole program and assays will be announced as available.
Marathon (ASX: MTN) has advised that an RC drill rig is on site and drilling at its Glenlyle/Kalymna gold/copper project in western Victoria. The aim of the drilling is to test separate well defined anomalism identified by geophysical and geochemical surveys, which have a potential for porphyry copper, gold or gold/copper mineralisation.
Marathon (ASX: MTN) has announced preliminary results from drilling at its Hodgkinson uranium deposit. The drilling is part of Marathon's first drilling program since listing, and results were announced to the ASX this morning.
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