Robo 3D Limited (ASX:RBO) is a company based in California, USA, focused on the design and distribution of personal/desktop 3D printers and associated products for the personal, education, and professional segment of the 3D printing industry (Robo).

Australian Market Report of September 23, 2010 includes; Moly Mines Limited's (ASX:MOL) (TSE:MOL) Spinifex Ridge iron ore project is on track for its first shipment in early December 2010, Falcon Minerals Limited (ASX:FCN) is ready to commence a diamond drilling programme at Collurabbie nickel-copper-PGE Project, the State Government has approved Mount Gibson Iron Limited (ASX:MGX) (PINK:MTGRF) upgrade of the train unloading facility at the Geraldton Port and UraniumSA Limited (ASX:USA) have advised that following in-fill drilling of the Blackbush Prospect within its Mullaquana Uranium Project.