Crescent Gold Limited
Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML) says today that Australian gold producer, Crescent Gold Limited (ASX:CRE) (TSE:CRA) has hit its market guidance for the September Quarter, producing 21,915 ounces of gold from its operations at the Laverton Gold Project.
Crescent Gold Limited (ASX:CRE) is pleased to advise that Don Taig, Chairman of Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML), has joined the Crescent Board, effective immediately.
Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML), will emerge as one of Australia's top gold producers with projected annual production of +200,000 ounces in 2012 following the successful completion of its off-market takeover Offer for Crescent Gold Limited (ASX:CRE) (TSE:CRA).
Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML) has extended its takeover Offer for Crescent Gold Limited (ASX:CRE) by one week, to end at 7.00pm (Sydney time) on Wednesday, 5 October 2011.
Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML) is pleased to announce that it has increased its relevant interest in Crescent Gold Limited (ASX:CRE) to 77.8% (as at 31 August 2011). Focus, at its election, can further increase to 83.2% through the conversion of debt owed by Crescent to Focus (assuming full draw down of up to $13m loans, a $0.05 conversion price and exercise of all attaching $0.05 options).
Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML) notes that the Takeovers Panel has declined to conduct proceedings in respect of an application in relation to approval given by shareholders of Crescent Gold Limited (ASX:CRE) (TSE:CRA) on August 18, 2011 for the conversion of up to $13 million of loans by Focus to Crescent.
Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML), an Australian gold producer, has declared its recommended off-market takeover Offer for Crescent Gold Limited (ASX:CRE) (TSE:CRA) free of all defeating conditions. This means that the Offer is now wholly unconditional.
Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML) is pleased to announce its relevant interest in Crescent Gold Limited (ASX:CRE) (TSE:CRA) has increased to 62.12% after receiving acceptances from Deutsche Bank for its remaining holding in Crescent.
Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML) is pleased to announce it has received acceptances for its takeover representing a majority of the issued shares of Crescent Gold Limited (ASX:CRE) (TSE:CRA). Focus' relevant interest in Crescent has increased to 51.32%, which now places Focus in a very strong position with the prospect of a rival offer emerging considered very low.
Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML) and Crescent Gold Limited (ASX:CRE) (TSE:CRA) are pleased to announce that Directors of Crescent now have all provided acceptances in respect of shares held or controlled by them in respect of the recommended off-market takeover offer for Crescent.
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