iSignthis Ltd


iSignthis LtdiSignthis Ltd (ASX:ISX) (FRA:TA8) is a hybrid monetary financial institution and also a RegTech leader in remote identity verification, payment authentication with deposit taking, transactional banking and payment processing capability. iSignthis provides an end-to-end on-boarding service for merchants, with a unified payment, electronic money and identity service via our Paydentity(TM) and ISXPay(R) solutions.

By converging payments and identity, iSignthis delivers regulatory compliance to an enhanced customer due diligence standard, offering global reach to any of the world's 4.2Bn 'bank verified' card or account holders, that can be remotely on-boarded to meet the Customer Due Diligence requirements of AML regulated merchants in as little as 3 to 5 minutes. Paydentity(TM) has now onboarded and verified more than 1.5m persons to an AML KYC standard.

iSignthis Paydentity(TM) service is the trusted back office solution for regulated entities, allowing merchants to stay ahead of the regulatory curve, and focus on growing their core business. iSignthis' subsidiary, iSignthis eMoney Ltd, trades as ISXPay(R), and is an EEA authorised eMoney Monetary Financial Institution, offering card acquiring in the EEA, and Australia.

ISXPay(R) is a principal member of Mastercard Inc, Diners, Discover, (China) Union Pay International and JCB International, an American Express aggregator, and provides merchants with access to payments via alternative methods including SEPA, Poli Payments, Sofort, PRZ24 and others.

Probanx Solutions Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of iSignthis Ltd, provides API based access to CORE Banking solutions, SEPA Core, SEPA Instant and SEPA business scheme, for neobanks, banks, credit unions and emoney institutions, and provides a bridge to the Eurosystem's Central Bank of Lithuania's CENTROLink service.


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iSignthis Ltd (ASX:ISX) und JCB International besiegeln Partnerschaft für Kreditkarten Acquiring in Europa

🕔6/26/2017 9:18:16 AM 15005

JCB International Co., Ltd. und die an der australischen und Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse gelistete iSignthis Ltd. (ASX:ISX) (FRA:TA8), dem weltweit führenden Unternehmen in ortsunabhängiger Identitätsverifizierung, Payment Authentifizierung und Processing, freuen sich, die Unterzeichnung einer Lizenzvereinbarung zur Verarbeitung von JCB Zahlungen in Europa bekanntzugeben.

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Borgun überprüft jetzt UBOs mit iSignthis Ltd (ASX:ISX) Paydentity Service

🕔6/22/2017 9:35:10 AM 9081

iSignthis Ltd (ASX:ISX) (FRA:TA8) freut sich, dass das Unternehmen eine kommerzielle Partnerschaft für seine PaydentityTM Lösung mit dem in Island beheimateten europäischen Acquirer und Issuer Borgun unterzeichnet hat.

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iSignthis Ltd (ASX:ISX) Patente - Erweitertes geistiges Eigentums-Portfolio

🕔6/14/2017 9:47:15 AM 9144

iSignthis Ltd (ASX:ISX) („das Unternehmen") freut sich, zu verkündigen, dass sich sein Portfolio von erteilten Patenten auf 6 klar abgrenzbare Arten erhöht hat, von denen sich 5 unmittelbar auf Zahlungsmittel-Verifizierung (Payment Instrument Verification (PIV)) beziehen. Das Unternehmen hat außerdem weitere 4 neue einzigartige Patente angemeldet, die auf Identität, Zahlungen, Sicherheit und Kundenauszahlungen bezogen sind und derzeit untersucht werden.

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  • 456 Victoria Parade
    East Melbourne, VIC 3002
  • Telephone
  • +61-3-8640-0990 
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  • +61-3-8640-0953 
  • Principal Sector
  • Security Internet 
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