Horizon Oil Ltd


Horizon Oil Ltd ASX HZNHorizon Oil Limited (ASX:HZN) (OTCMKTS:HZNFF) is an ASX-listed petroleum exploration and production company, with a geographic focus on the Asia-Pacific region. The company currently produces over 4,000 barrels of oil per day net from its fields in New Zealand and China, which generated over US$80 million in net operating income after operating expense for the year ended 30 June 2015.  Further development candidates remain in and around these producing fields.

Horizon Oil maintains prudent policies of oil price hedging and loss of production insurance to ensure that sufficient cash flow is generated to meet the funding requirements of its growth program.

The company holds a large undeveloped reserves and contingent resource position in Western Province, onshore Papua New Guinea.  These are liquids-rich gas resources and reflect Horizon Oil’s strategy to focus on Asian gas for growth.  Gas constitute about 2/3 of the reserves and resource base.  Commercialisation pathways for the gas are emerging.

Although Horizon Oil anticipates continuing strong cash generation over the medium term from its existing producing fields, these developed reserves account for only 10% of total reserves and resource base.  The focus going forward will be on new field development, funded largely from existing production cash flow.


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Australischer Marktbericht, 31. Januar 2011: Roc Oil (ASX:ROC), Horizon Oil (ASX:HZN), Petsec Energy (ASX:PSA): Joint Venture erreicht Meilenstein in China's Ölfelder-Entwicklung

🕔1/31/2011 1:30:00 PM 16323

Australischer Marktbericht, 31. Januar 2011 beinhaltet: China National Offshore Oil Company Limited (HKG:0883) (NYSE:CEO) hat die Investitionen und den allgemeinen Entwicklungsplan für die Entwicklung der drei Ölfelder in China bestätigt; Copper Strike Limited (ASX:CSE) hat Vereinbarungen mit China unterzeichnet um ein Multi-Deposits Projekt im Norden von Queensland zu finanzieren; Jupiter Mines Limited (ASX:JMS) bringt 150 Millionen A$ auf um Bergbauprojekte in Südafrika und Australien weiterzuentwickeln; Viralytics Limited (ASX:VLA) (PINK:VRACY) hat von China die Patent-Genehmigung für den Einsatz von CAVATAKTM RNA als Anti-Krebsmedikament für menschliche Melanome erhalten.

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Company Data

  • Level 6
    134 William Street
    NSW 2011, Australia
  • Telephone
  • +61-2-9332-5000 
  • Fax
  • +61-2-9332-5050 
  • Principal Sector
  • Energie 
  • Principal Industry
  • Energy 
  • Homepage
  • www.horizonoil.com.au
  • E:
  • info@horizonoil.com.au

More News Results

  • 2025/03/24: Interest acquisiton of Sinphuhorm and Nam Phong gas fields*
  • 2025/03/07: Mereenie Development Well Program Update*
  • 2025/03/07: CTP: Mereenie Development Program Outperforms*
  • 2025/03/04: Change of Director's Interest Notice*
  • 2025/03/04: Notification regarding unquoted securities - HZN*
  • 2025/03/04: Notification regarding unquoted securities - HZN*
  • 2025/02/27: FY25 Half Year Results Presentation*
  • 2025/02/27: Dividend/Distribution - HZN*
  • 2025/02/27: FY25 Half Year Report and Accounts*
  • 2025/02/25: Notice of FY25 Half Year Financial Results Webcast*
*refer to company website

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