Minotaur Exploration Ltd


Minotaur ExplorationMinotaur Exploration Ltd (ASX:MEP) is a public company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the market code MEP. MEP commenced trading on ASX on 25 February 2005. Minotaur has extensive minerals exploration tenements in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia.

The Company is governed by a Board of Directors according to Australian Corporate law and the Listing Rules of the ASX. Minotaur specialises in application of innovative geophysical techniques to locate virgin mineralisation deep below the surface. Often, economic mineral deposits are contained within basement rocks, buried below several hundred metres of transported cover (overburden) and cannot be located through conventional surface exploration methods such as soil sampling, geochemical assays and drilling. Minotaur's remote sensing and interpretative approach has proven very successful, time and time again.

The directors and management of Minotaur each have over 30 years of exploration, mining and mineral resource experience and are eminently qualified in their respective fields of expertise. Under their direction, Minotaur has earned a strong reputation for technical excellence and a high profile within the Australian resources sector. Minotaur's share register comprises 3500 shareholders.

Minotaur is actively exploring IOCG style targets in Australia, where geophysics have identified numerous sub-surface anomalies prospective for copper-gold mineralisation and other targets prospective for base metals such as zinc, lead, copper.


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Australischer Marktbericht, 4. Januar 2011: Minotaurus Exploration (ASX:MEP) hat mit einer Machbarkeitsstudie in der Streaky Bay Kaolin-Ressource begonnen

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Australischer Marktbericht, 4. Januar 2011 beinhaltet: Minotaur Exploration Limited (ASX:MEP) hat mit der Machbarkeitsstudie ihrer Streaky Bay Kaolin Ressource begonnen; Jupiter Energy Limited (ASX:JPR) berichtet über Neuigkeiten der Öl-Bohrungen in Kasachstan; Arafura Resources Limited (ASX:ARU) berichtet über Updates aus dem Nolan Seltenerden Projekt; Shaw River Resources Limited (ASX:SRR) hat positive Testergebnisse aus dem Baramine Projekt in Western Australia angekündigt.

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Australischer Marktbericht vom 12 November 2010: Minotaur Exploration (ASX:MEP) berichtet von einer jungfräulichen Goldressource von 70.500 Unzen am Golden Mountain

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Australischer Marktbericht vom 12 November 2010 inkludiert: Minotaur Exploration Limited (ASX:MEP) berichtet von einer jungfräulichen JORC Goldressource von 70.500 Unzen am Golden Mountain Projekt in VIC; Bailey Mineral NL (ASX:BAA) wird kolumbianische Platinanlagen erwerben; Southern Cross Goldfields Limited (ASX:SXG) berichtet von weiteren Bohrergebnissen von Johnston Range Eisenerz Targets; Cape Lambert Resources Limited (ASX:CFE) wird sein im Volleigentum stehendes Marampa Eisenerzprojekt in Sierra Leone weiter fördern.

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Company Data

  • Level 1, 8 Beulah Road
    SA 5067
  • Telephone
  • +61-8-8132-3400 
  • Fax
  • +61-8-8132-3499 
  • Principal Sector
  • Materialien 
  • Principal Industry
  • Mining & Metals 
  • Homepage
  • www.minotaurexploration.com.au
  • E:
  • admin@minotaurexploration.com.au

Social Media