State Bank of India

BOM:500112 ISIN:INE062A01012

State Bank of India is a financial services group operating primarily in the banking industry. It operates in four business segments: Treasury, Corporate/ Wholesale Banking, Retail Banking and Other Banking Business. The Treasury segment includes the entire investment portfolio and trading in foreign exchange contracts and derivative contracts. The Corporate/ Wholesale Banking segment comprises the lending activities of Corporate Accounts Group, Mid Corporate Accounts Group and Stressed Assets Management Group. The Retail Banking segment consists of branches in National Banking Group, which primarily includes personal banking activities, including lending activities to corporate customers having banking relations with branches in the National Banking Group. In March 2008, the Company acquired a 91% stake in Global Trade Finance Ltd., a trade finance solutions provider. 

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Australischen Marktbericht der 7. April: Die RBA's Zinssatzentscheidung wird erwartet

🕔4/7/2009 1:00:49 PM 16486

Australische Aktien haben gestern mit Steigerungen in den meisten Sektoren höher geschlossen, trotz Ressourcen Bestände dem Markt nach unten gezogen hatte. Die Benchmark S&P/ASX200 gewann 0,6% oder 21 Punkte auf 3756,6, während die ALL ORDINARIES Index stieg um 0,6% oder 22,4 Punkte auf 3696,4. Bank-Aktien waren stärker vor der australischen Notenbanks Zinssatz Entscheidung.

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Company Data

    Principal Sector
  • Finanzen 
  • Principal Industry
  • Banks & Insurance 
  • Homepage