Daewoo International Corporation

Daewoo International Corporation is a Korea-based company specialized in the provision of trade services. Headquartered in Seoul, Korea, the Company operates its business through two divisions: trade, and manufacturing and distribution. Its trade division provides distributors and retailers with steels, metals, chemicals, automobile parts, machines, electronics, fibers, energy and other related products. Its manufacturing and distribution division manufactures automobile seats, polyurethane, raw fabric and other related products, and distributes goods through a department store in Gyeongsangnam Province, Korea. During the year ended December 31, 2007, the trade division accounted for approximately 97% of the Company's total revenue. The Company established a Korea-based wholly owned subsidiary, DAEWOO TEXTILE BUKHARA LLC, which is mainly engaged in manufacturing of textiles, effective September 3, 2008. 

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Company Data

    Principal Sector
  • Int'l Trade 
  • Principal Industry
  • Industrial 
  • Homepage
  • www.daewoo.com