Molopo Energy Limited


Molopo Energy Limited is an ASX listed gas producer focused primarily on the development of coalbed methane. Molopo holds a 25% interest in several gas fields located in the Bowen Basin, Queensland, a 30% interest in CBM operations located in the Gloucester Basin (NSW), a 100% interest in two permits in the Clarence Moreton Basin (NSW) and a 50% interest in the Liulin project in China. 

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Australischer Marktbericht, 2. Februar 2011: Fortis Mining (ASX:FMJ) sichert sich strategisches Investment in Hong Kong

🕔2/2/2011 1:30:00 PM 13941

Australischer Marktbericht, 2. Februar 2011 beinhaltet: Fortis Mining Limited (ASX:FMJ) ist eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Grand Concord Investments Limited eingegangen; Peninsula Energy Limited (ASX:PEN) berichtet von einer 33Mlbs U308 Ressource in den USA; Molopo Energy Limited (ASX:MPO) verkauft Spearfish Öl-Asset an Legacy Oil + Gas Inc (TSE:LEG); Avita Medical Limited (ASX:AVH) hat eine ISO Qualitätszertifizierung abgeschlossen um seine Produkte am europäischen Markt zu verkaufen.

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