Triple Energy Limited ("Triple Energy") is an oil gas company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) (listing code "TNP").
The Company strategy is to invest in oil and gas projects in both the conventional and unconventional (coal seam gas and shale oil and gas) sectors, along with power generation where and if appropriate.
The Company has recently acquired an 80% interest in an coal mine gas project in the Hielongjiang province of the People's Republic of China.
Triple Energy Limited
Guildford Coal Ltd (ASX:GUF) 近日通報,在市場上完成了收購Enkhtunkh Orchlon LLC 100%的股權。 Enkhtunkh Orchlon LLC擁有12600X遠景區勘查許可證和相關採礦許可證,毗鄰蒙古Guildford' Baruun Noyon Uul的焦煤礦區。
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