Ledman Optoelectronic Co., Ltd. is principally engaged in the manufacture and distribution of mid- and high-end light emitting diode (LED) products. The Company primarily provides LED packaging components, including in-line package LED series, surface mount device (SMD) LED series and other series; LED lightings, including lamp cup, bulb, lamp, spotlights, ceiling lights, can lights, street floodlights and others, and LED displays.
Ledman Optoelectronic Co Ltd
SHE:300162 ISIN:CNE100000Z18
清潔科技行業與社會責任投資(SRI)或環境與社會治理(ESG)在本質上是不同的。 SRI及ESG關注公司業績的漸進式改善,被視為選擇最佳"健康經營"模式。清潔科技行業關注企業的產出是否能積極主動地改善其所處社會的環境和生態。它屬於"多做好事"而非"少做壞事"。
中國清潔科技指數在整個5月期間從74.57上漲到74.68,升幅0.1%。同期NEX WilderHill 新能源全球創新指數上漲2.4%,CTIUS美國清潔科技指數上漲1.8%,上證綜合指數升幅3.9%,MSCI全球指數亦上升0.1%。
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