Tsinghua Tongfang Co., Ltd.
SHA:600100 ISIN:CNE000000RK9
Tsinghua Tongfang Co., Ltd. is engaged in information and environmental industries. The Company's information businesses include computer business; application information business such as digital urban and industrial information systems, as well as security systems, and digital television systems such as digital communication and equipment manufacture, as well as Internet application. The Company's energy and environmental business include environment protection and building energy saving. The Company is also involved in science and technology park related business. During the year ended December 31, 2007, the Company obtained approximately 76% and 22% of its total revenue from information and environment businesses, respectively.

截至2016年5月中國清潔科技指數月度報告已公佈。 在本月,表現最好的子指數是中國節能指數(上漲8.5%)和中國垃圾處理指數(上漲1.8%)。而同期表現最差的板塊為中國環保指數(下跌4.9%)和中國風能指數(下跌1.8%)。
中國清潔科技指數在整個5月期間從74.57上漲到74.68,升幅0.1%。同期NEX WilderHill 新能源全球創新指數上漲2.4%,CTIUS美國清潔科技指數上漲1.8%,上證綜合指數升幅3.9%,MSCI全球指數亦上升0.1%。
中國清潔科技指數在2015年3月強勁上漲16.2%,, 表現優於其全部四個對比指數。在此期間中國股市大局表現優異,同時在全國人民代表大會上政府表明對環境事業的支持,均對清潔科技指數的上漲起到推動作用。
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