Chengdu Xingrong Investment Co., Ltd
Chengdu Xingrong Investment Co.,Ltd. (SHE:000598) is principally engaged in the supplying and distribution of tap water. The Company is also involved in sewage treatment business; sludge treatment business; pipeline installation business; the investment, design, construction, operation and management of environment protection projects, as well as the sale, repairing and maintenance of environment protection related equipment and materials, among others.

中國清潔科技指數在2015年3月強勁上漲16.2%,, 表現優於其全部四個對比指數。在此期間中國股市大局表現優異,同時在全國人民代表大會上政府表明對環境事業的支持,均對清潔科技指數的上漲起到推動作用。
42,898 公司背景瀏覽
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