Shenzhen Sunwin Intelligent Co.,Ltd.
SHE:300044 ISIN:CNE100000KM9
Shenzhen Sunwin Intelligent Co., Ltd. (SHE:300044) is an intelligent system solution supplier. The Company mainly provides intelligent system solutions for water, urban rail transit, railways and construction industries. The Company primarily provides urban rail transit intelligent system solutions, including signal, automatic ticket selling and checking, communication, composite security, passenger information and composite monitoring systems; railway information and digital system solutions, as well as construction intelligent system solutions.

中國清潔科技指數在整個5月期間從74.57上漲到74.68,升幅0.1%。同期NEX WilderHill 新能源全球創新指數上漲2.4%,CTIUS美國清潔科技指數上漲1.8%,上證綜合指數升幅3.9%,MSCI全球指數亦上升0.1%。
中國清潔科技指數在2014 年2 月上揚4.1%,但表現只優於其四個對比指數中的其中一個。中國清潔科技指數在整個二月從44.93 上升到46.78,上揚4.1%。同期NEX WilderHill 新能源全球創新指數上揚10.8%,CTIUS 美國清潔科技指數上漲10.5%,上證綜合指數上漲1.1%,MSCI 全球指數上漲4.8%。
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