Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd.

TYO:4217 ISIN:JP3785000005

Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd. (TSE: 4217) Marketing of electronics and chemical related products. Operations are carried out through the following divisions; ELECTRONICS: slitting operation of photosensitive dry films, semiconductor related products, circuit boards; INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS: food wrapping films, electrolytic copper foil, molded products for automobiles, diagnostic reagents, rosin derivatives, rechargeable batteries and synthetic resin products; HOUSING & ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS: bathroom units, air filters and glass fiber products, design and installation of water treatment facilities and automated machinery, leasing of office equipment and housing and lifescience products. Electronic parts accounted for 45% of fiscal 2001 revenus; industrial products, 39% and housing and environmental materials, 16%. 




🕔12/21/2011 12:41:47 PM 9443

2011年12月21日亞洲活動報告:山東中潤投資控股集團股份有限公司(SHE:000506)表示,其全資子公司中潤國際礦業有限公司已與加拿大鋅業公司(Canadian Zinc Corporation)(TSE :CZN)簽訂了一份私募協議,將以總價1680萬加元認購加拿大鋅業公司2250萬股普通股及認股權證;日本東麗株式會社(TYO:3402)已針對中國的自來水水質開發了4種新的家用淨水器產品;日立化成工業株式會社(TYO:4217)將投資20億日元在台灣成立一家新公司;日本NTT數據株式會社(TYO:9613)近日與韓國IT巨頭LG CNS就數據中心領域的合作達成了一份協議。


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