Solagran is a biotechnology company with a portfolio of higly effective, low side effect, natural pharmaceuticals that it obtains from gree tree foliage. Its patented technology enables the extraction of the live elements of trees in a way that both preserves and amplifies their biological activity.
Solagran Limited
2011年10月27日亞洲活動報告:C @ Limited (ASX:CEO)已簽署一份協議,收購八張有高度勘探前景的蒙古煤礦牌照;African Iron Limited (ASX:AKI)公佈其擁有92%股份的剛果Mayoko鐵礦石項目的赤鐵礦JORC礦產資源量提高至1.21億噸;ENK Plc (ASX:ENK) 公佈,其位於菲律賓馬尼拉北部250公里處的試驗工廠生產出首批鎳產品;Solagran Limited (ASX:SLA)今天表示,該公司最近訪問了一個亞洲國家,在那裡與政府機構合作進行了一項有關禽類生產和疾病管理的試驗。
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