GVK Power and Infrastructure Limited (BOM:532708) is an India-based holding company. The Company is primarily engaged in the business of providing operating and maintenance services, manpower and consultancy services and incidental services to owners of power plants and infrastructure companies.
GVK Power and Infrastructure Limited
2011年9月20日亞洲活動報告:Naracoota Resources Limited (ASX:NRR) 報告西澳Horseshoe Range項目傳來的令人振奮的高品位金礦結果;Phillips River Mining NL (ASX:PRH)已簽訂一份西澳Phillips River項目的鉛/鋅精礦承銷協議;Alligator Energy Limited (ASX:AGE)繼續公佈Tin Camp Creek鑽探作業的進展;Sheffield Resources Limited (ASX:SFX)今天宣布了在西澳McCalls重礦砂勘探項目實施的總共30個鑽孔的鑽探項目的結果;GVK Power and Infrastructure Limited (BOM:532708)的董事會已批准該公司參與投資收購昆士蘭的一個79億噸JORC資源量的煤礦和基礎設施開發項目。
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