Advanced Explorations Inc.


 Advanced Explorations Inc (CVE:AXI), based in Toronto, Ontario, is a resource development company that currently focuses on developing its flagship Roche Bay Project, in one of the world's largest developing iron ore districts. The project is located proximal to a natural deep water harbour on the coast of the Melville Peninsula in Nunavut, Canada giving it many logistical advantages. The project has an inferred resource of 357 million tonnes, outlined within a small portion of the 140 km of banded iron formation. This iron formation incorporates the Roche Bay deposits, the Company's Tuktu deposits and other targeted deposits in areas to the north, south and west of the Company's Roche Bay Project. The preliminary economic assessment from the Roche Bay deposit alone indicates a potential net present value of US $1.1 billion, and the potential for rapid advancement into development of either iron concentrate or high value iron nugget products. The management team has extensive technical, exploration and Canadian Arctic mining expertise to effectively develop the high quality iron ore opportunities on the Melville Peninsula. 



2011年7月1日亞洲活動報告: Cougar Energy (ASX:CXY)公佈在中國和蒙古的項目進展

🕔7/1/2011 12:05:21 PM 9932

2011年7月1日亞洲活動報告: Cougar Energy (ASX:CXY)更新中國和蒙古項目進展;Advanced Explorations Inc. (CVE:AXI)公佈擬與新興鑄管股份有限公司(SHE:000778)建合資企業的支持性投票結果;Silver Mines Limited (ASX:SVL) 公佈其全資所有的Webbs 銀項目鑽進工作初步結果;Bow Energy Limited (ASX:BOW) 今天表示昆士蘭的Cuisinier 油田已生產逾63,000桶油。


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