Cavalier Resources Limited (ASX:CVR) is developing its balanced portfolio of proven through to green fields gold and nickel assets in WA within proximity of top-tier projects, exploration tenements with untested walk-up drill targets, and all with nearby processing options.
Cavalier Resources Limited
ASX:CVR ISIN:AU0000217655
2011年6月8日亞洲活動報告:Agenix (ASX:AGX)準備在中國開始乙肝新藥臨床試驗的工作進展順利;Central Asia Resources Limited (ASX:CVR)公佈Dalabai金礦的黃金資源量提高至124,000盎司;Tanami Gold NL (ASX:TAM)公佈其黃金礦產資源量大幅又增至230萬盎司黃金;Corazon Mining Limited (ASX:CZN)證實加拿大Lynn Lake硫化鎳項目存在高品位硫化鎳/銅發現地。
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